Ashley just registered for Move in March
Godswill just registered for Move in March
Sandra just registered for Move in March
Raise 50 just created a team in Move in March
Haoxuan just registered for Move in March
raymond just registered for Move in March
Paul just registered for Move in March
Starwars just created a team in Move in March
David just registered for Move in March
We will just created a team in Move in March
Pramendra just registered for Move in March
Atiyah just registered for Move in March
Luc just registered for Move in March
Ayman just registered for Move in March
Jennifer just registered for Move in March
Muneeb just registered for Move in March
Hannah just registered for Move in March
Deborah just registered for Move in March
Atifa Noori-Khelwatty just donated £10.00
Roxanne just registered for Move in March
How it works
Did you know the average distance covered by RNOH Nurses in a month whilst on shift is 100 miles!
Join us for Move in March, a virtual event that challenges you to complete the same distance. Whether you prefer to go solo or team up, you can complete your miles any way you choose: walk, run, wheel, cycle, or swim the choice is yours.
100 miles in 31 days, can you beat it?

Register to take part in Move in March and recieve your FREE welcome pack

Take on your miles as an individual or as part of a team

Share with friends and family and raise funds for RNOH Charity
Going the Extra Mile!
RNOH Nurses and Allied Health Professionals cover on average 100 miles a month whilst on shift. Which mean some staff are clocking up a Marathon each time they come to work and all whilst carrying out their usual role and responsibilities.
By registering to take part and raising money you will enable us support, RNOH to go beyond the limitations of an NHS budget, ensuring the hospital can provide innovative treatments and care, enabling more people to lead healthier, fuller lives.

FREE Welcome Pack
Once registered you will recieve your FREE welcome pack including an RNOH Charity neck buff and tracker so you can count your miles.