Terms & Conditions

Buttercup Breaktime Terms & Conditions
I understand that the Buttercup Breaktime I’m organising is in aid of RNOH Charity.
Under 18 – I understand if I am under 18, then a parent/guardian is responsible for me.

Planning your Buttercup Breaktime:
I understand I am to ensure that my event is organised efficiently and I am responsible for the health and safety of all involved in my event.
I understand I am to ensure that my event is properly and adequately supervised.
I am responsible for ensuring food hygiene and ensuring that I have the relevant licenses e.g. if selling alcohol at the event.

Fundraising for your Buttercup Breaktime
I will use my best endeavours to raise money for RNOH Charity in connection with my participation in the event.
I understand and will make clear to those who support my fundraising that any money I send into RNOH Charity will be treated as a donation and used to support the vital work of RNOH.
I understand donations are not generally refundable, even if the event does not take place.
I will forward all monies donated to RNOH Charity either by cash, cheque, CAF or via an online giving provider no later than four weeks after my event.

There are strict laws relating to raffles and lotteries. Full guidelines are available from your local authority or the Gaming Board. These must be followed in full.
Please visit www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk for more information.